Choose Year:
Conor Ryan (University of Minnesota)
Quality of Governance and the Design of Public Procurement
Bruno Baránek (Princeton University)
What Can Plea Bargaining Teach Us About Racial Bias in Criminal Justice?
Andrew Jordan (Chicago Fed)
The Effects of High-skilled Firm Entry on Incumbent Residents
Franklin Qian (Stanford University)
The Boss is Watching: How Monitoring Decisions Hurt Black Workers
Kevin Lang (Boston University)
Mis(sed) Diagnosis: Physician Decision Making and ADHD
Kelli Marquardt (University of Arizona)
New Technologies, Productivity, and Jobs: The (Heterogeneous) Effects of Electrification on US Manufacturing
Ethan Lewis (Dartmouth University)
The Evolution of Market Power in the US Auto Industry
Charles Murry (Boston College)
Interaction as Investment
James Heckman (University of Chicago)
Counterfactual and Welfare Analysis with an Approximate Model
Roy Allen (University of Western Ontario)
Civil Liberties in Times of Crisis
Marcella Alsan (Harvard University)
Essays on Crime and Public Policy
Yuki Otsu (WUSTL)
Oligopolistic Price Leadership and Mergers: The United States Beer Industry
Nathan Miller (Georgetown University)
Partners But Not Partners
Courtney Joslin (University of California at Davis)
Essays in Behavioral and Experimental Economics
Keh-Kuan Sun (WUSTL)
Do Car Seat Laws Cause People to Buy Larger Cars?
Tsung-Yu Ho (Washington University in St. Louis)
Female Inheritance Rights in India: The Impact of the Hindu Succession Act on Intra-Household Welfare
Sanghmitra Gautam (Washington University in St. Louis)
Essays on Empirical Microeconomics: Effects of Law Intervention
Tsung-Yu Ho (WUSTL)
Essays on the Macroeconomics of the Labor Market
C. Y. Kelvin Yuen (WUSTL)
The Value of Information in Centralized School Choice Systems
Margaux Luflade (University of Pennsylvania)
Essays in Volatility Modelling and Applied Econometrics
José Ángel Alcántara Lizárraga (WUSTL)
Essays on Human Capital Investment
Dohun Kim (WUSTL)
Essays on Diversity and Public Policy
Saumya Deojain (WUSTL)
Robot Adoption and Labor Market Dynamics
Anders Humlum (University of Chicago)
Dynamic Investment Problems: Health, Human Capital and Entrepreneurship
Siddhartha Sanghi (WUSTL)
The Life Expectancy of Older Couples and Surviving Spouses: Estimates Based on Real Couples and Synthetic Couples
Robert A. Pollak (Washington University in St. Louis)
Differences in On-the-Job Learning Across Firms
Jaime Arellano-Bover (Yale University)
2021 Senior Honors Thesis Presentations
Thesis presenters: Keenan Bilyeu, Koki Takabatake, Kathleen White
Police Officer Assignment Mechanisms and Neighborhood Crime
Modibo Sidbe (Duke University)
Law Reforms, Matrimonial Regimes and Family Behaviour
George Gayle (Washington University in St. Louis)
Dissertation Proposal: "Essays on Financial Frictions and Heterogeneity"
Matias Marzani (Washington University in St. Louis)
Asian American Discrimination in Harvard Admissions
Peter Arcidiacono (Duke University)
Firm Investment, Labor Supply, and the Design of Social Insurance: Evidence from Accommodations for Workplace Disability
Naoki Aizawa (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Dissertation Proposal: "Essays in Macroeconomics"
Rocio Suarez (WUSTL)
Broken Instruments
Trevor Gallen (Purdue University)
Tackling the Substance Abuse Crisis: The Role of Access to Treatment Facilities
Janet Currie (Princeton University)
Worker Beliefs About Rents and Outside Options
Benjamin Schoefer (University of California, Berkeley)
Math/Economic Theory Seminar: Generalized Shapley axioms and value allocation in cooperative games via Hodge theory on graphs
Tongseok Lim (Purdue University)
School Desegregation and Political Preferences: Long-run Evidence from Kentucky
Cody Tuttle (University of Texas, Austin)
Child Care Inequality and Policy
Matt Wiswall (University of Wisconsin)
Misdemeanor Prosecution
Amanda Agan (Rutgers University)
Practice Job Market: "A Model of Random Cravings"
Edward Honda (Washington University in St. Louis)
Rising Markups and Consumer Preferences
Nathan Miller (Georgetown University)
Are Cash Transfers Effective at Empowering Mothers? A Structural Evaluation of Mexico's Oportunidades
Andrea Maria Flores (Washington University in St. Louis)
Population Health Policy Under Uncertainty
Charles Manski (Northwestern University)
Practice Job Market: "Timing in Dynamic Matching Markets: Theory and Evidence"
Erdem Yenerdag (Washington University in St. Louis)
Practice Job Market: "Negative Links"
Xiannong Zhang (Washington University in St. Louis)
Practice Job Market: "Market Concentration and Business Cycles"
Kain (Ke) Chao (Washington University in St. Louis)
Informality, Family and Taxation: How Joint-Household Behavior Affects the Labor Market
Mariana Odio Zuniga (Washington University in St. Louis)
16th Annual Economics Graduate Student Conference
Welcome to the 16th Economics Graduate Student Conference, held annually at Washington University in St. Louis, October 23rd, 2021.
Practice Job Market: "Endogenous Consideration Set Luce"
Lintao Ye (Washington University in St. Louis)
Productivity Versus Motivation in Adolescent Human Capital Production: Evidence from a Structurally Motivated Field Experiment Part II
Brent Hickman (Washington University in St. Louis)
Market Competition and Political Influence: An Integrated Approach
Dana Foarta (Stanford University)
Gender Differences in Job Search and the Earnings Gap: Evidence from Business Majors
Basit Zafar (University of Michigan)
A Cooperative Theory of Market Segmentation by Consumers
Nima Haghpanah (PennState)
Dissertation Defense: Essays on Machine Learning in Finance
Hongyi Liu
Propagation and Amplification of Local Productivity Spillovers
Holger Mueller (NYU Stern)
Racial Patterns in Approval of Felony Charges
Andrew Jordan (Washington University in St. Louis)
The Property Rights Theory of Production Networks
Maciej Kotowski (University of Notre Dame)
Macroeconomics of Inequality Conference Live Stream (DAY 1)
Macroeconomics of Inequality Conference Live Stream (DAY 2)
When Anything Can Happen: Anticipated Adversity and Postsecondary Decision-Making
Andrew Gray (Washington University in St. Louis, Olin School of Business)
Dissertation Proposal: "Essays in Macroeconomics"
Andrea Paloschi
Dissertation Proposal: "Essays on Macroeconomics"
Lei Ye
Dissertation Proposal: "Essays in Macroeconomics"
Kuldeep Singh
The Gender Gap in Earnings Losses after Job Displacement
Johannes Schmieder (Boston University)
Control and Spread of Contagion in Networks
Tarun Sabarwal (University of Kansas)
Relational Contracts: Public versus Private Savings
Daniel Garrett (Toulouse School of Economics)
An empirical framework for matching with imperfect competition
Ismael Mourifié (University of Toronto)
Signaling with Private Monitoring
Gonzalo Cisternas (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)