Majors and Minors Details
Below are the most recent majors/minors requirements. You can follow the requirements below or the requirements that were available when you entered Wash U. See the appropriate Washington University Bulletin Archive. You can also read the most current Washington University Bulletin.
Major in Economics (Prime or Second)
Total units required: 37 to 39
Course Requirements
Economics Courses:
- Econ 1011: Introduction to Microeconomics
- Econ 1021: Introduction to Macroeconomics
- Econ 4011: Intermediate Microeconomics
- Econ 4021: Intermetiate Macroeconomics
- Econ 413 (413W): Introduction to Econometrics (with Writing)
- Math 131: Calculus I
- Math 132: Calculus II
- Econ 493, or Math 233: Calculus III
- Math 2200: Elementary Probability & Statistics, or an approved substitute (refer to the Economics "Undergraduate Guide" for approved substitutes.)
- Majors must complete 4 economics electives at the 300- or 400-level. At least two electives must have Econ 4011 and/or Econ 4021 as a prerequisite.
Advising / Questions / Further Considerations
- It is possible to earn the Certificate in Financial Economics in conjunction with this major (prime or second).
- It is possible to graduate with Latin Honors or with "English" honors. Refer to the department website or consult with the Academic Coordinator in the Economics Department (Dorothy Petersen, for further information.
- Substitution for mathematics courses and study abroad approval for mathematics courses will be determined by the Math department.
- Substitution for economics courses and study abroad approval for economics courses will be determined by the Academic Coordinator in the Econ department.
- Majors in an approved study abroad/study away program may receive transfer credit for the Econ 413 and two electives at the 300-level.
- For further details on policies and procedures, please refer to the "Undergraduate Guide," the department's website, or schedule a meeting with the department's Academic Coordinator.
Major in Economics and Computer Science Requirements
The College of Arts & Sciences and the McKelvey School of Engineering have developed a major that allows students interested in both economics and computer science to combine these two complementary disciplines efficiently, without having to pursue them as two separate majors.
Engineering students who declare this major must fulfill the distribution and all other requirements for the BS in Applied Science degree in the McKelvey School of Engineering. Arts & Sciences students who declare this major must fulfill the distribution and all other requirements for an BA degree in addition to the specific requirements listed below. It is possible to earn the Certificate in Financial Economics in conjunction with this major (prime or second), and interested students should consult with Academic Coordinator Dorothy Petersen in the Department of Economics.
Course Requirements
Economics Course Requirements:
- Econ 1011 Introduction to Microeconomics
- Econ 1021 Introduction to Macroeconomics
- Econ 4011 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
- Econ 413 Introduction to Econometrics
- or Econ 413W Introduction to Econometrics with Writing
Electives Elective Requirements:
- Three 3-unit economics electives drawn from any Econ 4011 prerequisite course, including Econ 4021.
- Economics electives of particular relevance include (but are not limited to):
- Econ 407 Market Design
- Econ 4151 Applied Econometrics
- Econ 452 Industrial Organization
- Econ 4567 Auction Theory and Practice
- Econ 467 Game Theory
- Econ 484 Computational Macroeconomics.
- Econ 413 may be taken from an approved study abroad program. Consult with the Economics department’s Academic Coordinator.
- With instructor permission, students may use any of the following for economics elective credit: Econ 501, Econ 502, Econ 503, Econ 504, Econ 511, Econ 513.
Mathematics Required Courses:
- Math 131 Calculus I (AP credit may satisfy this requirement)
- Math 132 Calculus II (AP credit may satisfy this requirement)
- Math 233 Calculus III
- Math 3200 Elementary to Intermediate Statistics and Data Analysis*
- or Math 3211 Statistics for Data Science I
- or ESE 326 Probability and Statistics for Engineering
- or DAT 120 & DAT 121 Managerial Statistics I and Managerial Statistics II
- Math 3200 Elementary to Intermediate Statistics and Data Analysis*
*Of these options, Math 3200 is the preferred course.
Computer Science Required Courses:
- CSE 131 Introduction to Computer Science
- CSE 240 Logic and Discrete Mathematics
- or Math 310 Foundations for Higher Mathematics
- or Math 310W Foundations for Higher Mathematics with Writing
- Beginning with the Class of 2026, this is a requirement. CSE 240 or Math 310(W) may be used as an elective in the major for prior graduating classes.
- CSE 247 Data Structures and Algorithms
- CSE 347 Analysis of Algorithms
Computer Science Elective Requirements:
- Three 3-unit computer science electives drawn from the list below:
- CSE 311A Introduction to Intelligent Agents Using Science Fiction
- CSE 330S Rapid Prototype Development and Creative Programming
- CSE 332S Object-Oriented Software Development Laboratory
- CSE 341T Parallel and Sequential Algorithms
- CSE 400E Independent Study
- CSE 411A AI and Society
- CSE 412A Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
- CSE 416A Analysis of Network Data
- CSE 417T Introduction to Machine Learning*
- or ESE 417 Introduction to Machine Learning and Pattern Classification
- CSE 425S Programming Systems and Languages
- CSE 427S Cloud Computing with Big Data Applications
- CSE 457A Introduction to Visualization
- CSE 514A Data Mining
- CSE 516A Multi-Agent Systems
- CSE 517A Machine Learning
- CSE 518A Human-in-the-Loop Computation
- CSE 543T Algorithms for Nonlinear Optimization
- CSE 557A Advanced Visualization
- ESE 417 (Introduction to Machine Learning and Pattern Classification)**
*Students planning to complete CSE 517 should try to complete CSE 417T as the prerequisite course.
Advising / Questions / Further Considerations
- Students in Arts&Sciences, Olin or Sam Fox may declare a prime or a second major in Econ+CSE via L11 (Econ). McKelvey students may declare a prime major via E81 (Computer Science) or a second major via L11 (Econ).
- *For “statistics,” Math 3200 or ESE 326 are the preferred choices. DAT 120 and DAT 121 may be used to fulfill the requirement.
- It is possible to earn the Certificate in Financial Economics in conjunction with this major (prime or second).
- It is possible to graduate with Latin Honors. Students whose primary major is in another college should consult with that college’s website. Students prime in Arts & Sciences may earn Latin Honors by completing 9 units (3 courses) of additional coursework, over-and-above the major requirements:
- Math 3200 or ESE 326
- One economics course from: Econ 407; Econ 4151; Econ 452; Econ 467; Econ 484; Econ 503
- One computer science course from the list above
- Substitutions for economics courses and study abroad (or away) approval will be determined by the Academic Coordinator in the Econ department. Substitutions for computer science courses and study abroad (or away) approval will be determined by the McKelvey School of Engineering.
- Majors may receive abroad transfer credit for Econ 413 and/or any economics elective; majors must complete 2 of the 3 economics electives in residence.
- Majors will consult with the study abroad advisor in Engineering regarding transfer credit policies for computer science.
- Students who by-pass Econ 1011 and/or Econ 1021 will need to complete additional elective coursework in Computer Science or in Economics. (In Economics, elective coursework can be at the 300- or 400-level.)
- Students who have AP credit for Math 131, Math 132 and/or Math 2200 do not have to complete additional mathematics coursework.
- Students enrolled in this program from the School of Engineering will earn an “Applied Sciences” degree, and will be required to satisfy the following, in addition to the major requirements: 8 units of “Natural Science” and Technical Writing.
- As SEAS students they are also required to complete the usual 18 units of distribution course work in Social Sciences and Humanities. The courses they take in fulfillment of this program will count toward their distribution as usual, following the designation of such courses by the College of Arts and Sciences or by approval of the SEAS Undergraduate Studies Committee.
- **Non-engineering students may substitute Math 3200 or Math 3211 for the ESE 326 prerequisite. “Prior Python experience” means comfort with using Python for the ESE 417 homework, and that level of comfort can come from a class or from self-learning. Students may not receive major credit for both ESE 417 and CSE 417T. Students planning to complete CSE 517 should try to complete CSE 417T as the prerequisite course.
Major in Mathemathics and Economics
Total units required: 57
Course Requirements
Economics Course Requirements:
- Econ 1011 Introduction to Microeconomics
- Econ 1021 Introduction to Macroeconomics
- Econ 4011 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
- Econ 413 Introduction to Econometrics
- or Econ 413W Introduction to Econometrics with Writing
Mathematics Required Courses:
- Math 131 Calculus I
- Math 132 Calculus II
- Math 233 Calculus III
- Math 3200 Elementary to Intermediate Statistics and Data Analysis
- or Math 3211 Statistics for Data Science I
- or ESE 326 Probability and Statistics for Engineering
- or Math 493 Probability
- Math 310 Foundations of Higher Mathematics
- or Math 310W Foundations of Higher Mathematics with Writing
- Math 3200 Elementary to Intermediate Statistics and Data Analysis
Computer Science Course Requirements:
- CSE 131 Introduction to Computer Science
Elective Requirements:
- Majors must complete 7 electives, with 3 in each discipline and one from either department.
Economics Elective Requirements:
- One of the three electives can be any economics course with Econ 4011 or Econ 4021 as a prerequisite, including from an approved study abroad program. The other two economics electives must come from the following list:
- Econ 404 Behavioral and Experimental Economics
- Econ 407 Market Design
- Econ 410 Macroeconomics of Inequality
- Econ 4111 Optimization & Econ. Theory
- Econ 4151 Applied Econometrics
- Econ 429 Decision Under Risk and Time
- Econ 435 Open Economy Macroeconomics
- Econ 437 The Economics of Financial Intermediation
- Econ 445 Public Finance
- Econ 452 Industrial Organization
- Econ 460 Urban Economics
- Econ 467 Game Theory
- Econ 471 Development Economics
- Econ 477 Topics in Financial Economics: Investments
- Econ 477 Topics in Financial Economics: Asset Pricing
- Econ 480 Labor Economics
- Econ 484 Computational Macroeconomics
- With instructor permission, students may use any of the following for economics elective credit: Econ 501, Econ 502, Econ 503, Econ 504, Econ 511, Econ 513.
- Econ 413 may be taken from an approved study abroad program. Consult with the Economics department’s Academic Coordinator.
Mathematics Elective Requirements:
- For Mathematics, the electives can come from the following list:
- Math 415 Partial Differential Equations
- Math 416 Complex Analysis
- Math 4111 Introduction to Analysis
- Math 4121 Introduction to Lebesgue Integration
- Math 429 Linear Algebra
- Math 439 Linear Statistical Models
- Math 4392 Advanced Linear Statistical Models
- Math 449 Numerical Applied Mathematics
- Math 450 Topics in Applied Mathematics
- Math 456 Topics in Financial Mathematics
- Math 459 Bayesian Statistics
- Math 460 Multivariate Statistical Analysis
- Math 461 Time Series Analysis
- Math 462 Mathematical Foundations of Big Data
- Math 475 Statistical Computation
- Math 493 Probability*
- Math 494 Mathematical Statistics
- Math 495 Stochastic Processes
Advising / Questions / Further Considerations
- Students may declare a prime or a second major in Math+Econ via L24 (math) or L11 (econ), and that will determine your major advisor.
- It is possible to earn the Certificate in Financial Economics in conjunction with this major (prime or second).
- It is possible to graduate with Latin Honors or with “English” honors. Refer to the departments’ websites or consult with either Prof. Blake Thornton (mathematics; or the Academic Coordinator in the Economics Dept. ( for further information
- Substitutions for mathematics courses and study abroad approval for mathematics courses will be determined by the Math department.
- Refer to the Undergraduate Bulletin or Math department website for policies pertaining to by-passing calculus courses.
- Substitutions for economics courses and study abroad approval will be determined by the Academic Coordinator in the Econ department.
- Refer to the Undergraduate Bulletin or Econ department website for policies pertaining to by-passing the introductory economics (Econ 1011, Econ 1021) courses.
- Substitutions for CSE 131 are subject to approval by the McKelvey School of Engineering.
- *Math 493 is elective credit in the major if Math 3200 is completed to satisfy the core requirements.
Minor in General Economics
Economics units required: 15
Courses Required
Required Courses:
- Econ 1011: Introduction to Microeconomics
- Econ 1021: Introduction to Macroeconomics
- Econ 4011: Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
- Econ 4021: Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory
Elective Course:
- One economics elective having at least Econ 1011 and/or Econ 1021 as a prerequisite course
- The prerequisite courses for Econ 4011 are Econ 1011 and Math 132. In addition, Econ 493 or Math 233 must be taken prior to, or concurrently with, enrollment in Econ 4011. The prerequisite courses for Econ 4021 are Econ 1021 and Econ 4011.
Mathematics Requirement:
- Math 131: Calculus I
- Math 132: Calculus II
- Econ 493, or Math 223: Calculus III
Advising / Questions / Further Considerations
- Minors in an approved study abroad/study away program may receive transfer credit for one economics elective at the 300-level.
- For further details on policies and procedures, please refer to the "Undergraduate Guide," the department's website, or schedule a meeting with the department's Academic Coordinator.
Minor in Applied Microeconomics
Economics units required: 15
Course Requirements
Required Courses:
- Econ 1011: Introduction to Microeconomics
- Econ 1021: Introduction to Macroeconomics
- Econ 4011: Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
Elective Courses:
- One economics elective having Econ 4011 as a prerequisite course.
- One economics elective having at least Econ 1011 and/or Econ 1021 as a prerequisite course.
- The prerequisite courses for Econ 4011 are Econ 1011 and Math 132. In addition, Econ 493 or Math 233 must be taken prior to, or concurrently with, enrollment in Econ 4011.
Mathematics Requirement:
- Math 131: Calculus I
- Math 132: Calculus II Econ 493
- or Math 223: Calculus III
Advising / Questions / Further Considerations
- Minors in an approved study abroad/study away program may receive transfer credit for one economics elective at the 300-level.
- For further details on policies and procedures, please refer to the "Undergraduate Guide," the department's website, or schedule a meeting with the department's Academic Coordinator.
Certificate in Financial Economics
The Department of Economics has extensive course breadth and faculty expertise in the area of financial economics. By completing a specialized set of electives, majors can earn the "Certificate in Financial Economics." This will be a permanent notation on your academic record.
The Certificate in Financial Economics may be earned by anyone with a major (prime or second) in Economics, Economics & Computer Science, or Math & Economics. Completion of the Certificate requires - in addition to the major requirements - completion of extra elective(s), where there is a concentration of electives in the field of "financial economics." Expand the sections below to learn about the approved electives and the specific requirements, depending on the student's major.
Financial Economics Electives
- Econ 3311: Financial Markets & Analysis
- Econ 335: Money & Banking
- Econ 428: Capital Market Imperfections & Entrepreneurial Finance
- Econ 429: Decision Under Risk & Time
- Econ 4301: Understanding Financial Crises
- Econ 435: Open Economy Macroeconomics
- Econ 437: The Economics of Financial Intermediation
- Econ 448: Money & Monetary Policy
- Econ 477: Topics in Financial Economics: Asset Pricing
- Econ 477: Topics in Financial Economics: Investments
- FIN 340: Capital Markets & Financial Management (approved if the student is not a Finance major/minor)
- An approved course from a study abroad/away program (approved by the Academic Coordinator)
Certificate Requirements by Major
Major in Economics:
- Students with a “prime” or “second” major in Economics must do the following, in addition to the major requirements:
- Complete one additional economics elective at the 300- or 400-level. (In other words, a total of 5 economics electives are completed, rather than the 4 required for the major alone.)
- A minimum of 3 of the 5 economics electives must be drawn from the approved “List of Financial Economics electives,” above.
Major in Economics and Computer Science:
- Students pursuing this joint major through the McKelvey School of Engineering or through Arts & Sciences must do the following, in addition to the major requirements:
- Complete one additional economics elective. (In other words, a total of 4 economics electives are completed, rather than the 3 required for the major alone.)
- Additionally, a minimum of 3 of the 4 economics electives must be drawn from the approved “List of Financial Economics electives” above.
Major in Mathematics and Economics:
Students with a major in Math+Econ have two options through which the Certificate in Financial Economics may be earned.
Option 1:
Complete one additional economics elective drawn from the “List of Financial Economics electives,” above. (This means students complete 8 math and econ electives, with a minimum of four electives drawn from economics.)
A minimum of 3 of the total economics electives completed for the major-plus-Certificate must be drawn from the approved “List of Financial Economics electives,” above.
Option 2:
Students must complete all three of the following to complete the major and the Certificate:
4 Economics electives, where both of the following must be satisfied:
at least 2 (of the 4) electives must be drawn from the “List of Financial Economics” electives (above); and
at least 3 (of the 4) electives must be drawn from the approved list of Economics joint-major electives
3 Mathematics electives drawn from the approved list of Mathematics joint-major electives
Math 456
Follow these directions to have the Certificate in Financial Economics added to your academic record.
Majors interested in completing the Certificate in Financial Economics should complete the following declaration form. Majors are encouraged to complete the form as early as possible, and the form must be completed prior to filing an Application to Graduate. The deadline to file the Application to Graduate is:
- October 1 for fall-semester graduates
- December 15 for spring-semester graduates
- August 1 for summer-semester graduates
Follow this link to register your application to complete the Certificate:
Additional Information
Majors must complete Econ 4011, Econ 4021, and the Econ 4011/Econ 4021 prerequisite electives in residence during the fall and spring semesters. Prerequisites: The prerequisite courses for Econ 4011 are Econ 1011 and Math 132. In addition, Econ 493 or Math 233 must be taken prior to, or concurrently with, enrollment in Econ 4011. The prerequisite courses for Econ 4021 are Econ 1021 and Econ 4011.
An additional approved substitution for the "statistics" requirement of the majors is DAT 120 AND DAT 121. For the Econ+CSE major and the Math+Econ major, Math 3200 is the preferred course choice. Students who are prime in McKelvey (EN) may use ESE 326 for the "statistics" requirement of any of the majors, and no pre-approval is required.
The upper-level units (300- and 400-level courses) required for the major must be independent of other majors or minors (i.e., upper-level coursework required for a major may not be double-counted for another major or a minor in Arts & Sciences).
Senior Honors: Students are invited during the second semester of their junior year to participate in the honors program during their senior year if they meet certain academic requirements.
More information about the majors, the minors, the course offerings, and the honors program can be found in the Economics Undergraduate Guide, available on the department website and from the department. Students are also encouraged to contact Academic Coordinator Dorothy Petersen with any questions.