Certificate in Financial Economics

Use this form to "declare" that you intend to complete (or have completed) the requirements of the Certificate in Financial Economics.

Econ 3311: Financial Markets & Analysis
Econ 335: Money & Banking
Econ 428: Capital Mkt Imperf. & Entrep. Finance
Econ 429: Decision Under Risk & Time
Econ 4301: Understanding Financial Crises
Econ 435: Open Economy Macroeconomics
Econ 437: Economics of Financial Intermediation
Econ 448: Money & Monetary Policy
Econ 477: Topics in Fin. Econ.: Asset Pricing
Econ 477: Topics in Fin. Econ.: Investments
FIN 340: Capital Mkts & Financial Management (for non-Finance majors/minors)
Elective from an approved study abroad/away program
Other elective (requires pre-approval from Academic Coordinator)
You must complete FIVE electives (at the 300- or 400-level) to complete the Economics Major and the Certificate in Financial Economics. At least three of the five electives must come from the list above. Selection of "pending" electives doesn't require that you take them. Instead, it is an indication that you have a plan to complete the requirements in the time before you graduate. It also allows the department to easily update you with course availability and to track your progress with the Certificate's requirements.
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