Topics in Financial Economics: Investments


This course surveys recent developments in investments and portfolio management. The course aims to provide students with a structure for thinking about investment decisions from the perspective of a portfolio manager. We start by understanding fundamental concepts for investment theory: modern asset valuation and portfolio selection under uncertainty. We will proceed to investigate various sources of risk which financial institutions are exposed to, such as interest rate risk, credit risk and liquidity risk, and study how financial institutions manage these risks. The course will also introduce student to investment evaluation techniques. We will explore recent innovations in financial markets, as well as various frictions that arise in markets. Students will have the opportunity to apply concepts learned in class on a virtual investment and trading platform, StockTrak. Prerequisites: Econ 4011, Math/SDS 2200 (or Math/SDS 3200, Math/SDS 3211, QBA 120 and QBA 121, ESE 326.) or PolSci 363 with permission from instructor.
Course Attributes: AS SSC; EN S; FA SSC; AR SSC

Section 01

Topics in Financial Economics: Investments
View Course Listing - SP2024
View Course Listing - FL2024