Topics in Econometrics: Microeconometrics


This is a topics class in econometrics but with a strong focus on microeconometrics. This course has two main objectives: (i) Teach students various advanced theoretical econometric tools to the students and (ii) guide them through the process of writing a research paper that explores an empirical research question in economics using adequate econometrics tools. We will study theory and application of methods of data analysis developed for microdata pertaining to individuals, households and firms. More, precisely, We will study recent development of theory and methods for analyzing selective samples and analyzing discrete choice models. Prerequisites: Econ 4011 and (Econ 413, Econ 413W, or Econ 536). Math 309 recommended. Students should co-enroll in the "A" subsection. 3 units.
Course Attributes:

Section A

Topics in Econometrics: Microeconometrics
View Course Listing - FL2024

Section 01

Topics in Econometrics: Microeconometrics
View Course Listing - FL2024