Seminar on Work, Family, and Public Policy


This course examines various topics in labor economics and the economics of the family, including but not limited to, the allocation of time, family bargaining, and the economics of health. The course meets once a week (every Monday, 12:00 - 1:30) for both the fall and spring semesters. To receive credit, students are required to attend all course meetings for both semesters. The course will be integrated with a biweekly workshop series. Thus, there will an outside speaker every other Monday. Students will be expected to read and report on papers in the literature. Students will also be expected to write a paper and present it during the spring semester. NOTE: Econ 582 should be taken for 3 units of credit in the Fall and 582A must be taken for zero units in the Spring in concurrent semesters. Failure to enroll in both courses will result in no grade being given for the course.
Course Attributes:

Section 01

Seminar on Work, Family, and Public Policy
View Course Listing - FL2023
View Course Listing - FL2024