Michele Boldrin

Michele Boldrin

Professor of Economics
Co-Director of the Center for Dynamic Economics (CEDEC)
Joseph Gibson Hoyt Distinguished Professor in Arts & Sciences
PhD, University of Rochester
research interests:
  • Economic Theory
  • Economic Growth
  • Macroeconomics
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    • Department of Economics
    • MSC 1208‐228‐308
    • Washington University in St. Louis
    • One Brookings Drive
    • St. Louis, MO 63130-4899
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    Professor Boldrin's research focuses on the theory and application of Dynamic General Equilibrium models. He has written on economic growth, business cycles, asset pricing, the welfare system, innovation theory and technological progress, search theory, the labor market, intellectual property, fertility, and international trade.

    Michele Boldrin was born in Padova, Italy, in 1956. He moved to Mestre-Venezia at the age of ten, where he attended the Liceo “Giordano Bruno” and the Universita’ Ca’ Foscari, graduating magna cum laude in Economics in July 1982. He entered the Ph.D. program in Economics at the University of Rochester, NY, in September 1983. There he received his Master of Science in Economics in June 1985 and his Ph.D. in June 1987; his thesis advisor was Lionel W. McKenzie From September 1986 to June 1987, he was at the Dept. of Economics, University of Chicago, which he left to take up a position at UCLA in September 1987. After that, he was an Associate Professor at Kellogg GSM (Northwestern University) from 1990 to 1994, the Marc Rich Professor of Economics at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid from 1994 to 1999, and a Professor of Economics and Director of Graduate Studies at the Department of Economics, University of Minnesota, from 1999 until 2006. Currently he is the J.G. Hoyt Distinguished University Professor and Chair at the Department of Economics, Washington University in Saint Louis. He was an External Faculty member at the Santa Fe Institute from 1987 to 1997, where he served as Director of the Economics Program during 1989-1990. He has also held visiting positions at Stanford University, the University of Pennsylvania, UCLA, Academia Sinica, HKUST, Chinese University of HK, University of Chicago, Universita’ Bocconi, IAS at Wuhan University, Beijing University, Kyoto University, and University of Tokyo, among others.

    Boldrin's research focuses on the theory and application of Dynamic General Equilibrium models. He has written on economic growth, business cycles, asset pricing, the welfare system, innovation theory and technological progress, search theory, the labor market, intellectual property, fertility, and international trade. He has published three books; the fourth one, written in cooperation with David K. Levine, was published in August 2008 by Cambridge University Press, under the title Against Intellectual Monopoly. He is currently a Fellow of the Econometric Society, an Associate Editor of Econometrica, an Editor of the Review of Economic Dynamics, and the Book Review Editor of Macroeconomic Dynamics. He is also a Research Fellow of CEPR (London) and FEDEA (Madrid), and an economic advisor to the Federal Reserve Bank of Saint Louis and to the Bank of Japan. In the past, he has held advisory positions with various governments, international organizations, central banks and private companies. He spends his time between Saint Louis (MO, USA) and Venice (ITALY) with his companion, Susanna Panfili.


    • Member of the Master Program Management Committee