

This course is an introductory econometrics course for the first-year master's students in economics. It is designed to teach students basic econometric methods while also developing a theoretical understanding of those methods. Econometrics bridges the gap between economic theories and the real data. With econometrics, we can test hypotheses about theories and policies, as well as forecast future economic activities. Our course begins with a review of basic statistics and probability, and then covers fundamentals of linear regressions. Further topics include regressions with panel data, a binary dependent variable, and instrumental variables. Students will use statistical software, such as STATA, for hands-on econometric exercises and research projects that are designed to provide experience working with the techniques covered in class. By the end of the course, the students should possess the skills and knowledge needed to understand applied economic research and to conduct their own empirical research. Prerequisites: admission to the master's program in Economics, or instructor permission.
Course Attributes:

Section 01

View Course Listing - FL2023
View Course Listing - FL2024